Advocating for Independence in Remembrance of Ghulja Massacre – A Call to Action from the East Turkistan Youth Congress

Advocating for Independence in Remembrance of Ghulja Massacre – A Call to Action from the East Turkistan Youth Congress

04/02/2024 Uncategorised 0

As we approach the anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre on February 5th, our hearts are heavy with the memory of the lives lost and the enduring struggles faced by the East Turkistani people in occupied East Turkistan. This day not only serves as a somber reflection on the tragic past but also compels us to address the root causes of the Ghulja Massacre and advocate for a future marked by justice, peace, respect for human rights, and external self-determination.

A significant contributing factor to the tensions in the region is the suppression of our people, including the cherished Meshrep celebration, by the Chinese authorities. The East Turkistan Youth Congress underscores the vital role of Meshrep in fostering unity, preserving the East Turkistani identity, and teaching civil organization. The attempt to erase these cultural practices is a clear violation of our right to celebrate and protect our political heritage.

In light of these challenges, the East Turkistan Youth Congress calls upon the international community to acknowledge and respect our right to establish independence through the decolonization process. Independence is not only a means to address systemic issues but is also a necessary step toward safeguarding cultural identity, religious practices, and linguistic heritage, including the integral role of Meshrep.

Furthermore, we advocate for the establishment of a secular nation-state that values diversity, inclusivity, and the rights of all individuals, irrespective of their religious or ethnic background. A secular nation-state would provide a framework for coexistence and cooperation, fostering an environment where all people of East Turkistan can thrive in peace and harmony.

On this solemn occasion, let us not only remember the victims of the Ghulja Massacre but also rally together in support of our people’s pursuit of independence and cultural preservation. By endorsing these principles, we stand united for a future marked by justice, human rights, and the right to determine our own destiny.

RememberGhulja #IndependenceForEastTurkistan #HumanRightsForAll